You are here: About application links > About the Autodesk Inventor link > Importing Autodesk Inventor files > About the Inventor Migration Tool > Creating the migration task
Creating the migration task

The migration task upgrades the files in the file list to the version of Autodesk Inventor that is installed on the computer where the migration is run.

To create the migration task:

  1. In the Autodesk Inventor Task Scheduler, point to Create Task and click Migrate Files. The Migrate Files dialog box appears.
  2. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
File migration options
Option Description

Task Name

Type Migrate


Select Default

Log File

Enable this option and specify a location.

  1. Click Add Folders. The Select Folder dialog box appears.
  2. Select the parent folder in your local workspace location (by default, C:\BC-Workspace) that contains the Autodesk Inventor files that you listed in Creating a source list and click OK.
  3. Schedule the task to occur when no other tasks are running, after the download task described in Creating the download task, and before the upload task described in the following topic.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Proceed by creating the upload task as described in Creating the upload task.

Related concepts

About the Inventor Migration Tool

Importing Inventor files

Related tasks

Registering the Inventor Migration Tool

Creating a source list

Creating the download task

Creating the upload task

Running the tasks